starry_laa wrote in beforethelegend May 16, 2010 09:45
i don't know what to tag this as tag, actor: ash, character: morgause, camelot: geneology, , page-a-mod, party post, pairing: uther/gaius, character: uther, rating: g, summer hiatus: 2010, pairing: gaius/nimueh, , type: drama, fanwork: icons, discussion, fanwork: picspam, length: drabble, type: au, type: fic rec, rating, , faq, fanwork: banner, !mod post, fanwork: art, meme, resources, fanwork: fanfic, type: crack, rating: r, pairing: uther/igraine, rating: nc-17, fanwork: fanmix, meta, character: balinor, type: time-turner, type: canonverse, news, character: gaius, type: romance, character: the dragon, length: one-shot, fanwork: video, pairing: uther/nimueh, type: angst, type: pre-canonverse, character: hunith, fanwork: gifs, character: igraine, actor: richard wilson, length: multi-chap, rating: pg-13, character: thomas, actor: emilia fox, rating: pg, type: fic request, type: humour, character: nimueh